Theme Confirmation: Lower Probability of Admission Is Associated with Higher Probability of Most Needed Health Access
The physicians that have more normal origins have the most difficulty gaining admission. They also have the highest probability of family practice, primary care, rural, and underserved career choices. The physicians with the most exclusive origins have the highest probabilty of admission. The most exclusive have the lowest health access career choices. Visual and other confirmations are provided in a number of dimensions.
Overall Tables at Admission and Distribution Including Race, Ethnicity, Geographic Origins and Most Needed Health Access
Birth Origins Confirmation Graphics Family Practice Rural Practice Underserved Practice
Tables Comparing Multiple Careers to Birth Origins
Physician Distribution by Concentration Tables
Framework of Experiential Place Table
Exclusivity Index Tables Regarding Exclusive Origins, Careers, Medical Schools, and Locations
County Level Probability of Medical School Admission: Distances and Differences
Rural Workforce Changes Based on Changing Origins and Career Choices