About the Site and Author

Robert C. Bowman, M.D.
[email protected]
Professor in Family Medicine at ATSU School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona
Founding Chair of Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Group on Admissions
Past Chair, Rural Medical Educators Group of the National Rural Health Association
North American Regional Co-Editor for Rural and Remote Health
http://www.ruralmedicaleducation.org  is main web site but other sites include www.basichealthaccess.org    www.physicianworkforcestudies.org

This site does not represent the policies of the A.T. Still University, the University of Nebraska Medical Center, the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, the National Rural Health Association, Rural and Remote Health or any other association or group

The author's perspective is 26 years of teaching, researching, and delivering most needed health access in rural and in urban underserved populations 

Curriculum Vitae Of Robert C Bowman         Brief Sketch of Robert C Bowman           Email [email protected]


This site is about change, change that will result in improved health for those in underserved areas, inner city and rural. Actually 65% of Americans are left behind in all of the areas important to health access - education, economics, health distributions, and more. Effective change will involve several levels, mostly infrastructure areas in education and health. Past wisdom, successful models, and recent research have all demonstrated that we can truly accomplish these goals.  

  1. Graduation of more physicians who will choose rural and underserved locations

  2. Training of these physicians for specific practice and community situations

  3. Retention of physicians in these locations

www.ruralmedicaleducation.org   for links to all sites and major efforts

 Dedication of these efforts

Rural Faculty Development - the Case for Involvement in Rural Communities

Works By the Author on Site

Susan La Flesche Picotte

More recent workts at Curriculum Vitae Of Robert C Bowman MD 

Bowman RC. Continuing family medicine�s unique contribution to rural health care. American Family Physician Medicine and Society Feature Editorial, American Family Physician 1996;54:471-483. Continuing Family Medicine's Unique (AAFP article by RCB)

Bowman RC, Penrod J. Family practice residencies and the graduation of rural family physicians. Family Medicine 1998, 30(4):288-92. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Family practice residency programs graduate about 600 rural physicians each year. Increases in resident positions have not increased the numbers who choose rural practice. This study examines the relationship between program characteristics and the graduation rate of rural physicians. METHODS: From 1994-1996, we sent an annual survey to the directors of all nonmilitary family practice residency programs; 353 programs (96% response rate) returned questionnaires. Weighted least-squares regression was used to analyze the relationship between program factors and the percentage of graduates who chose practices in 1992, 1993, and 1994 in towns of less than 25,000 not adjacent to a larger metropolitan area. RESULTS: Family practice residency programs that graduated more rural physicians had more required rural and obstetrical training months, had a full or partial rural mission, were located in more rural states, had the program director as the rural contact, had a procedural emphasis, had fewer residents who were minorities or female, and used fewer types of other major graduate programs for rotations. CONCLUSIONS: This study outlines the important contribution of rural emphasis and training in family practice residency programs. Future studies should explore rural, procedural, and obstetrical training interventions and examine gender, minority, and program location issues.

Bowman RC, Crabtree BF, Petzel J, Hadley T. Meeting the challenges of workload and building a practice: the perspectives of ten rural physicians, Journal of Rural Health 1997:1;71-77.



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