Bright Future Rankings

Robert C. Bowman, M.D.

A variety of state data listings were compiled in education, equity, and efficiency areas. Those living in the top ranking states can expect better futures for their children and more of the children in their state. This is associated with greater state efficiency in costs, insurance, health care, and many other areas. The states that fail to invest in education, children, and the future are best categorized as dependent states. Without the dependency on growth and the resources of other states and nations, they are likely to be unable to sustain themselves. Cities are much the same. When they are landlocked by geography or richer suburbs and not allowed to continue to grow, they begin a process of decline, loss of population, and deterioration of conditions and schools.

Bright Future Rankings do not vary much for the top and bottom states. Different choice of variable changes who ranks slightly higher. FP correlations vary by the type of education data reported. States and stats that support higher education and college degrees have negative correlations with FP. Those that support early education and breadth of education distribution and expenditure positively correlate with FP.


Correlations with Overall Score Overall Rank Education Score Education Rank Equity Score Equity Rank Efficiency Score Efficiency Rank
Family Physician % in a State -0.670 -0.665 -0.324 -0.312 -0.670 -0.692 -0.617 -0.636
Family Physicians Born in a State -0.530 -0.534 -0.207 -0.198 -0.560 -0.606 -0.488 -0.517
State Poverty Level 0.329 0.330 0.576 0.568 0.179 0.171 0.229 0.111
State High School Graduation 0.749 0.736 0.768 0.748 0.626 0.609 0.604 0.515
State % in rural areas -0.684 -0.674 -0.356 -0.353 -0.635 -0.628 -0.649 -0.642
  Lower is Better Lower is Better Lower is Better Lower is Better Lower is Better Lower is Better Lower is Better Lower is Better
Alabama  549 39 126 46 163 30 260 36
Alaska  473 30 49 10 135 16 289 48
Arizona  570 44 129 47 206 45 235 29
Arkansas  409 19 86 34 116 10 207 23
California  670 50 130 48 241 50 299 38
Colorado  417 22 79 28 190 38 148 12
Connecticut  520 35 43 8 197 41 280 47
Delaware  493 33 59 15 169 32 265 40
Florida  648 49 119 44 235 49 294 41
Georgia  612 46 116 43 205 44 291 46
Hawaii  411 20 79 27 162 29 170 18
Idaho  315 11 68 22 152 22 95 4
Illinois  554 40 92 37 189 37 273 39
Indiana  325 12 66 20 120 11 139 17
Iowa  209 3 34 5 46 1 129 11
Kansas  259 9 33 3 98 7 128 8
Kentucky  441 24 90 36 121 12 230 25
Louisiana  644 48 124 45 204 43 316 45
Maine  326 13 41 6 155 26 130 14
Maryland  534 37 79 29 191 39 264 34
Massachusetts  535 38 69 23 192 40 274 43
Michigan  475 31 62 19 145 19 268 42
Minnesota  234 5 43 7 74 5 117 13
Mississippi  569 42 136 50 153 23 280 35
Missouri  398 18 82 32 146 21 170 19
Montana  257 8 23 2 141 18 93 3
Nebraska  191 1 56 13 64 2 71 5
Nevada  473 29 102 40 132 14 239 30
New Hampshire  383 17 81 31 180 35 122 9
New Jersey  569 43 54 12 201 42 314 49
New Mexico  453 27 94 38 161 28 198 24
New York  635 47 74 25 217 48 344 50
North Carolina  463 28 85 33 186 36 192 21
North Dakota  193 2 59 16 69 4 65 2
Ohio  423 23 51 11 126 13 246 33
Oklahoma  503 34 99 39 135 17 269 31
Oregon  356 15 58 14 161 27 137 10
Pennsylvania  446 25 48 9 146 20 252 37
Rhode Island  560 41 72 24 209 46 279 44
South Carolina  482 32 107 41 154 25 221 27
South Dakota  213 4 59 17 64 3 90 6
Tennessee  522 36 130 49 164 31 228 26
Texas  575 45 111 42 212 47 252 32
Utah  309 10 75 26 170 33 64 1
Vermont  237 6 33 4 107 8 97 7
Virginia  413 21 88 35 154 24 171 20
Washington  447 26 81 30 172 34 194 22
West Virginia  369 16 68 21 80 6 221 28
Wisconsin  256 7 22 1 109 9 125 15
Wyoming  346 14 61 18 134 15 151 16

National Center for Children in Poverty - midwest children poverty up 29% (43% of the increase in child poverty in the nation), greatest rise in families without college education

The US could adopt UK methods that were stolen from the US in previous eras

Education - links and bibliographies on the pipelines

Underserved - Overview and Models

Physician Workforce Studies

Physician Distribution in the US

Distribution of Physicians