Neil Postman (author of The End of Education, and other titles) does not believe that intelligence is a commodity that one "has" in some measurable amount. He has written that intelligence is about performance, of a certain task, under certain circumstances, at a certain time. We "do" smart things sometimes, and dumb things sometimes. An interesting perspective, one that kind of does away with the whole concept of "underachievement" (having a lot of smart but doing dumb) and "overachievement" (having not much smart but doing smart) Christopher W. Ryan
Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. - Joseph Stalin
Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy and while guided and controlled by virtue, the noblest attribute of man, it is the only dictator that freemen acknowledge and the only security that freemen desire. - Mirabeau B. Lamar, 2nd president of the Republic of Texas
Teaching Quotes - for education or family medicine educators
Understanding Race and Culture
Character, Color, Admissions, and Physicians
Technology: Shaping It or Shaping Us?
Technology Character and Family Medicine
The Five Generations of American Medical Revolutions
We must continue to reflect on the values that established and successfully formed and reformed medicine and family medicine:
Carmichael: Persons who establish a relationship characterized by affinity, intimacy, reciprocity, and continuity may feel that they are a family. This feeling is not based on factors such as sharing a common household or being parents. Rather it is based on the process or the relationship itself which has the above four characteristics. Primary care physicians will note that these four elements are familiar and are often found in the relationships they develop with patients in their practice. If unappreciated by the physician while practicing, the overwhelming sense of loss one experiences when leaving practice confirms their existence. The existence of such relationships comes about because of the context of general medical practice. Only in a few of the encounters the physician has with a patient is there a progressive disorder in which the medical model is applicable. In the majority of encounters the physician and the patient are participants in a social function that is based on process rather than outcome. Success rides on the rights and duties of the participants rather than on utilitarian value judgments such as what is-the greatest good-for the greatest number. From FAMILY PRACTICE FORUM 1976 THE FAMILY IN MEDICINE,PROCESS OR ENTITY? By Lynn Carmichael References 1. Marinker, Marshall. The Family in Medicine. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 69:115-124,1976. 2. Ransom,D.C., and Vandervoort,H.E., The Development of Family Medicine: problematic trends. JAMA,225: 1098-1102,1973. 3. Carmichael,L.P. Competencies in the Relational Model. Presented at the Annual Meeting, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2,1976. From Lawrence Silverberg
Facilitating More and Better Rural Docs
Character, Color, Admissions, and Physicians