Verby JE, Connolly JP Rural Physician Associate Program Journal of Medical Education 47:907 1972
Verby JE, Lenarz EV, Garrard J Evaluation of an alternative clinical experience RPAP Journal of Medical Education 49:696 1974
Verby JE The Minnesota rural physician redistribution plan 1971-1976 JAMA 238:960 1977 Early in 1970, 285 U of MN faculty attended an address by the chair of the state legislative House Appropriations Committee, a member of the Board of Regents, and two university vice presidents. The subject was the urgent need for rural primary care physicians. The medical school formed a committee and passed the curricular changes needed to create RPAP. During the first 4 years all students who applied were accepted. After this some 80 students competed for 40 positions. Advisors for selections include a medical student from each class, faculty member from each department, former RPAP student now a faculty, rural physician. During the first 3 years of the program all students choose Family Medicine. Students have input as to sites selected. RPAP also has regional rural physicians act as supervisory faculty. Academic RPAP faculty do visits regularly. Academic specialty faculty visit regularly and do presentations, teaching, and visits. A counselor visits the students 4 times a year. Data on outcomes presented as below (Garrard).
Garrard Comparison 1977 Garrard J, Verby JE Comparison of medical student experiences in rural and university settings Journal of Medical Education 52:802 1977 Patient encounter project of medical students, all encounters Nov 1974 - May 1975, includes tables of evaluations
Boon to Rural MN Heid JK Rural Physician Associate Program RPAP, Boon to Rural Minnesota Minnesota Medicine 1979 62:826-828 View from the practitioner with history of 5 students so far
Learning Forestry Verby JE, Schaefer MT, Voeks RS Learning Forestry out of the Lumberyard: A Training Alternative for Primary Care, JAMA 246:6:645 August 1981 summary of program and outcomes
Impact of Long Term Verby JE, Schaefer MT, Voeks RS The impact of a long term preceptorship on clinical confidence of senior medical students Minnesota Medicine May 1982 p 297- 300
Minn Med RPAP 1983 Verby JE The Rural Physician Associate Program (RPAP) Minnesota Medicine March 1983 p 181
Verby JE Physician Redistribution in Minnesota and the 84,000 square mile classroom Minnesota Medicine Vol 68, October 1985 p 757 Concept paper
Physician Redistribution Verby JE Physician Redistribution: A Worldwide Medical Problem, Family Practice 1985; 2:151-158 RPAP may be the only successful program to redistribute physicians, prerequisites and outcomes given at link
Verby JE Medical Education of the Future: A Prototype Minnesota Medicine March 1987 70: 31-32
Physician Demographics Study 1987 62.7 % of MN Family Physicians came from UMN, 50 - 100% higher than any other specialty (63.9% of rural MN FP docs). 56.5% of rural peds docs came from UMN as compared to 33.5% of urban peds docs, 44.5% of rural IM docs from UMN as opposed to 36.5% of urban IM
JME RPAP 1988 Verby JE The Minnesota Rural Physician Associate Program for Medical Students Journal of Medical Education 63:427- 437 June 1988 Outcomes for RPAP summarized
New York Initiative Verby JE, Baird MA, Wolff T, Beatty PG A New York initiative in medical education New York State Journal of Medicine November 1989 p 618-620 RPAP replicates, mention of possible urban RPAP
Verby JE Changing the Medical School Curriculum to Improve Patient Access to Primary Care JAMA 266:1 July 3, 1991 110-3 RPAP grads in MN had 88.6% in primary care, 58.8% rural vs 18% of non-RPAP.
Foreman G, Wulff LY, Verby JE Rural Physician Associates, An Information Service for RPAP students, Minnesota Medicine March 1976 200 - 202
Verby JE The Audiovisual Interview: A New Tool in Medical Education JAMA 236:21:2413 November 1976
Verby JE Family Practice Effect of Illness on the Family Minnesota Medicine 61:2 87-90 Feb 1978 Webster defines illness as unhealthy condition of body and mind, continues with increasing age and risks for mental deficiency, injury, impact of lower socioeconomics in small children, influence of marital breakdown on illness, family adaptations to crises, mentions a basis for family approach to illness
Verby JE, Holden P, Davis RH Peer review of consultations in primary care: the use of audiovisual recordings British Medical Journal 1979 1 1686-1688 Videotape reviewing improved the scores of GP docs compared to those not being reviewed. 17 points evaluated throughout interview
Davies RD, Gormican A, Verby JE Physicians and Nutrition, a knowledge assessment
Academic Medicine Comment on Patient's and Physicians Perspectives on Illness
Verby JE, Personal Communication - Verby gave me (RCB) the figures for the $40,000 - 70,000 extra billed when the site had an RPAP student as compared to when they did not have an RPAP student.
St Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch Friday February 22, 1974 State Senator John Milton of White Bear Lake says he is willing to amend his proposal to take away a $14 million medical building if UMN officials are willing to make a greater commitment to health care delivery. Milton said he is willing to allow the university to keep all $14 million of the appropriation but half of the money should be put into health care programs rather than construction. Noting that "there is sufficient time for compromise from all sides. If one side goes for broke, there is the possibility they will do just that!"
See Duluth Plus RPAP - summary of Minnesota programs