Ross University in Dominica was the number one source of FP graduates from US FP residency programs in 2003 with 93 graduates out of a 3500 graduating FP/GP doctors [5]. Second to Ross was American University of the Caribbean with 68, then Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine at 66, followed by Illinois 48, Indiana 45, then the rest at 41 including St. Georges University in Grenada, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and the University of Minnesota with 40 (could be number 3 at 67 if including the 27 from the Duluth 2 year school) [5]. Note that some schools have a higher percentage of FP graduates, but smaller class sizes.
FP Graduates 1997 - 2003 Summary Tables