Managed Care Comparison Table (1990s Health Policy Reforms)

Robert C. Bowman, M.D.               

Newer data at Five Periods of Health Policy and Physician Career Choice or Changes in Specialty Choice 1987 - 1999

As the remaining permanent primary care form, family medicine graduates of all class years can be used to track health policy impacts. All of the factors before, during, and after medical training bear upon the medical students making such a permanent choice. Their perceptions can become the reality of improving health access, or further decline. Medical students bypassing family medicine lose 10 - 25 Standard Primary Care years and the most needed health access locations.

Students from allopathic medical schools were impacted differently by health policy favorable to primary care. The nation had a sudden change if health policy and a sudden change in choice of primary care and family medicine in a short time. Students had far different career choices during the 1995 - 1997 graduating classes than the past 20 or more years. Those most likely to change career choice appear to be those who had a vested interest in staying connected to current locations. Those born instate and those born in the same county as their medical school and those locating nearest their FP residency after graduation had the greatest increase in choice of family medicine (65 - 75%), a choice at the time that allowed the most ability to determine future career location. Those born in medical school counties that did not attend a local medical school did not have higher choice of family medicine than the national average.

Unfortunately the impact was not sustained and the nation may actually have the worst primary care health policy, and primary care physician location in rural and poverty areas in the nations post Medicare era.

The common theme behind the changes involve socioeconomics. Those of lower income origins were less likely to change. Urban, higher MCAT, younger are all markers for higher income levels of students. Older, rural born, and those born in lower income counties represent more humble origins.

Past, Present, Future

Policy, Origins, Medical School Type, FM choice

Policy, Origins, and FM Choice

 Allopathic Med School Students by Urban Influence Code (1993) of County of Birth Not FPGP 1990-1993 FPGP 1990-1993 Total FP Choice 1990-1993 FP Choice 1995 - 1998 Increase
1 metro over 1 million pop 27604 3282 30886 10.6% 15.6% 47.0%
2 metro less than 1 million 12036 2099 14135 14.8% 20.3% 36.5%
US born urban 3 - 9 details below 4782 1255 6037 20.8% 26.1% 25.8%
Birth State data only           162 22 184 12.0% 15.1% 26.6%
PR, GU, VI 977 97 1074 9.0% 11.2% 23.9%
Foreign 7941 747 8688 8.6% 11.3% 31.2%
Military Base 425 73 498 14.7% 20.5% 39.6%
Missing 622 47 669      
Totals 54549 7622 62171 12.3% 17.0% 38.5%
More detail by Urban Inf code            
3 adjacent metro over 10000 pop 352 77 429 17.9% 24.8% 38.0%
4 adjacent less than 10000 pop 113 28 141 19.9% 29.0% 46.1%
5 adjacent small metro > 10000 1074 229 1303 17.6% 23.6% 34.4%
6 adjacent small metro < 10000 643 193 836 23.1% 28.7% 24.1%
7 not adjacent > 10000 1529 365 1894 19.3% 24.7% 28.4%
8 not adjacent 2500 - 10000 844 289 1133 25.5% 27.7% 8.6%
9 not adjacent less than 2500 227 74 301 24.6% 37.3% 51.9%

Codes 1,2,3,5,7 have greater education levels and more colleges and doctors and health facilities

Distance from Medical School to Practice location for all allopathic students born in counties of over 1 million 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000   Differences in Managed Care Choices
Choice Not FP                      
0 - 60 miles 908 902 801 743 719 683 694 701 783 11680 -120
60 - 100 137 137 122 106 96 91 91 89 97 1674 -46
100 - 250 360 283 312 267 257 260 188 211 208 4043 -40
250 - 500 234 216 209 193 194 212 201 210 196 3099 -22
500 - 1000 234 215 206 184 195 207 174 187 188 3062 -27
1000 and up 326 273 306 250 260 229 252 212 188 4003 -71
2199 2026 1956 1743 1721 1682 1600 1610 1660 27561 -517
Choice of FP                      
0 - 60 miles 79 84 107 136 136 119 113 94 100 1387 57
60 - 100 16 14 23 24 25 31 21 11 19 281 15
100 - 250 36 40 47 41 59 68 56 45 25 595 32
250 - 500 21 28 42 31 35 38 21 29 37 400 17
500 - 1000 19 18 19 20 31 28 24 23 15 295 9
1000 and up 32 38 32 41 43 41 35 36 35 479 9
203 222 270 293 329 325 270 238 231 3437 122
2402 2248 2226 2036 2050 2007 1870 1848 1891 30998 -395

Those staying within 60 miles of their medical school "changed places" during managed care with fewer subspecialists staying close and more FPs staying close. This is supportive in of the hypothesis that the most urban born students chose a return to birth origins and the urban lifestyle of living over choice of specialty during the impact of the health care reform/managed care era. Other data in support involves no overall change in continued urban practice choices of allopathic physicians despite managed care. However there were more rural family physician graduates of 1995 - 1998 and less rural physicians of other types in 2004 practice locations.




Complex table comparing urban/foreign, MCAT, age, and in vs out state

FP Unlikely is born in counties of over 1 million or outside of the 50 states

Generally instate, younger, high MCAT, and FP Unlikely had less percent change with managed care

Normal instate have higher choice of FP and the other three have lower choice of FP

The instate, urban born students were the ones who changed choice to FP and PC, a likely response to maintain urban practice location upon graduation

  FPGP Choice 1987-2000 FPGP Choice 1988-92 FPGP Choice 1995-99 diff Percent increase FPGP total
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 11 younger,  out of state 5.1% 3.9% 5.9% 2.1% 53.1% 854
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 11 younger,  instate 8.3% 5.9% 11.3% 5.5% 93.5% 609
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 11 older,  out of state 9.5% 8.7% 10.9% 2.2% 25.2% 295
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 11 older,  instate 14.7% 12.2% 16.1% 3.8% 31.5% 199
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 10.25 younger,  out of state 8.4% 7.1% 9.8% 2.7% 37.3% 1103
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 10.25 younger,  instate 9.2% 8.2% 11.4% 3.2% 39.8% 680
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 10.25 older,  out of state 14.8% 13.5% 17.2% 3.7% 27.7% 515
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 10.25 older,  instate 16.4% 12.2% 21.8% 9.7% 79.3% 289
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.9 younger,  out of state 10.7% 8.8% 11.8% 3.0% 34.4% 1412
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.9 younger,  instate 11.8% 9.8% 14.9% 5.1% 52.1% 915
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.9 older,  out of state 15.5% 13.7% 16.8% 3.1% 22.4% 646
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.9 older,  instate 17.2% 15.7% 20.6% 4.9% 31.4% 298
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.6 younger,  out of state 10.9% 8.7% 13.3% 4.5% 51.9% 1384
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.6 younger,  instate 11.6% 9.0% 14.9% 6.0% 66.7% 1003
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.6 older,  out of state 15.3% 13.6% 18.4% 4.8% 34.9% 650
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.6 older,  instate 16.4% 13.8% 18.9% 5.1% 36.9% 304
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.3 younger,  out of state 14.9% 12.6% 17.3% 4.7% 37.4% 1426
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.3 younger,  instate 13.9% 11.9% 16.3% 4.4% 36.8% 751
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.3 older,  out of state 19.1% 16.7% 21.2% 4.5% 26.7% 702
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9.3 older,  instate 20.9% 17.1% 25.3% 8.1% 47.6% 241
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9 younger,  out of state 17.7% 13.6% 20.0% 6.3% 46.5% 1195
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9 younger,  instate 18.6% 16.2% 21.0% 4.7% 29.1% 822
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9 older,  out of state 24.0% 18.7% 28.4% 9.7% 52.0% 658
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 9 older,  instate 24.0% 24.6% 25.4% 0.8% 3.3% 250
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 8 younger,  out of state 28.5% 27.9% 28.8% 0.9% 3.3% 2554
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 8 younger,  instate 30.3% 33.0% 28.5% -4.5% -13.5% 545
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 8 older,  out of state 37.3% 39.7% 34.8% -4.9% -12.5% 2070
FP Unlikely,  MCAT 8 older,  instate 38.1% 43.6% 33.1% -10.5% -24.1% 327
FP Likely,  MCAT 11 younger,  out of state 7.5% 7.3% 7.6% 0.3% 4.2% 398
FP Likely,  MCAT 11 younger,  instate 11.8% 10.3% 13.7% 3.4% 33.5% 219
FP Likely,  MCAT 11 older,  out of state 12.5% 10.3% 14.9% 4.6% 44.3% 151
FP Likely,  MCAT 11 older,  instate 19.3% 14.6% 24.0% 9.4% 64.0% 62
FP Likely,  MCAT 10.25 younger,  out of state 12.5% 9.8% 14.7% 4.9% 50.1% 568
FP Likely,  MCAT 10.25 younger,  instate 16.0% 12.8% 19.2% 6.5% 50.6% 427
FP Likely,  MCAT 10.25 older,  out of state 18.6% 17.8% 22.5% 4.7% 26.3% 277
FP Likely,  MCAT 10.25 older,  instate 21.2% 18.6% 26.5% 7.9% 42.4% 114
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.9 younger,  out of state 16.2% 13.6% 18.2% 4.6% 33.8% 808
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.9 younger,  instate 20.8% 17.2% 23.9% 6.7% 38.6% 1116
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.9 older,  out of state 20.1% 19.1% 21.1% 2.0% 10.4% 383
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.9 older,  instate 25.3% 23.6% 28.7% 5.1% 21.7% 279
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.6 younger,  out of state 14.6% 11.7% 16.0% 4.3% 37.1% 597
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.6 younger,  instate 18.6% 15.1% 22.5% 7.4% 48.8% 947
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.6 older,  out of state 20.1% 17.5% 23.4% 5.9% 34.1% 349
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.6 older,  instate 23.0% 18.1% 29.0% 10.9% 60.0% 270
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.3 younger,  out of state 18.1% 15.1% 21.2% 6.1% 40.5% 941
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.3 younger,  instate 20.3% 17.5% 23.1% 5.6% 32.1% 1552
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.3 older,  out of state 26.0% 21.9% 30.8% 8.9% 40.6% 576
FP Likely,  MCAT 9.3 older,  instate 25.2% 22.0% 27.7% 5.7% 25.7% 449
FP Likely,  MCAT 9 younger,  out of state 19.9% 16.2% 22.9% 6.8% 41.8% 647
FP Likely,  MCAT 9 younger,  instate 22.7% 17.7% 26.8% 9.1% 51.5% 1619
FP Likely,  MCAT 9 older,  out of state 26.5% 22.5% 29.4% 6.9% 30.7% 372
FP Likely,  MCAT 9 older,  instate 28.0% 23.3% 32.4% 9.2% 39.5% 502
FP Likely,  MCAT 8 younger,  out of state 34.6% 34.2% 34.4% 0.2% 0.6% 722
FP Likely,  MCAT 8 younger,  instate 36.9% 38.1% 37.5% -0.6% -1.5% 580
FP Likely,  MCAT 8 older,  out of state 43.2% 47.2% 38.5% -8.7% -18.4% 728
FP Likely,  MCAT 8 older,  instate 45.1% 44.2% 44.0% -0.2% -0.3% 361
  16.1% 14.0% 18.2% 4.2% 30.2% 38711

The percentages appear above. The actual numbers of graduates were compared and did not vary greatly when the percentages of the actual numbers were used as compared to % choice of FP.

All Medical School Graduates, Ranked by most changed groups

The following include osteopathic, international graduates, in addition to allopathic. The total impact of managed care was generally greater on allopathic graduates. The medical school type is used instead of MCAT. International graduates are listed in two types, North American and Distant. Largest groups in bold type. Not as much change in the smaller groups in the bottom below the US mean.

Age means much less in allopathic private schools. In allopathic public age is a much better distributional indicator.

Bold print has largest groups of students

  FPGP # for 87t00 FPGP 1987-2000 FPGP 1987-1993 FPGP 1988-1992 FPGP 1995-1999 Increase with Managed Care % Increase With Managed Care
FP Likely,  allo priv younger,  instate 470 13.8% 10.3% 10.0% 18.4% 8.5% 85.0%
FP Likely,  allo priv older,  instate 143 21.2% 17.3% 16.2% 29.1% 12.9% 80.0%
FP Unlikely,  allo priv older,  instate 371 12.7% 10.0% 9.5% 16.5% 7.1% 74.4%
FP Unlikely,  allo priv younger,  instate 1098 7.6% 6.2% 6.1% 10.0% 3.9% 64.0%
FP Unlikely,  allo pub younger,  instate 3656 13.0% 10.9% 10.5% 16.8% 6.3% 60.2%
FP Likely,  allo priv older,  out of state 432 14.6% 11.7% 11.7% 18.3% 6.6% 56.5%
FP Unlikely,  allo priv older,  out of state 927 11.4% 9.5% 9.4% 14.4% 5.0% 52.5%
FP Unlikely,  allo pub younger,  out of state 4848 12.9% 10.9% 10.4% 15.5% 5.1% 48.8%
FP Likely,  allo priv younger,  out of state 1099 10.1% 8.3% 8.1% 12.0% 3.9% 48.4%
FP Unlikely,  allo priv younger,  out of state 2408 6.9% 5.8% 5.7% 8.3% 2.6% 46.7%
FP Likely,  allo pub younger,  instate 5407 20.5% 17.7% 16.9% 24.5% 7.5% 44.3%
FP Unlikely,  allo pub older,  instate 1164 19.7% 17.2% 16.9% 24.0% 7.1% 41.7%
FP Likely,  allo pub younger,  out of state 2895 17.2% 15.3% 14.4% 20.2% 5.8% 39.9%
FP Unlikely,  Distant younger,  out of state 3479 7.2% 6.3% 6.3% 8.8% 2.5% 39.8%
FP Likely,  allo pub older,  instate 1537 25.5% 23.0% 21.9% 30.2% 8.3% 38.1%
FP Unlikely,  allo pub older,  out of state 2420 18.5% 16.7% 16.6% 21.7% 5.2% 31.2%
FP Likely,  allo pub older,  out of state 1671 23.7% 21.5% 21.1% 27.3% 6.2% 29.2%
FP Likely,  Distant older,  out of state 13 17.1% 15.1% 13.2% 16.7% 3.5% 26.7%
FP Likely,  NorthAM younger,  out of state 101 23.9% 22.4% 21.3% 26.0% 4.7% 22.2%
For all graduates these years totals 45943 14.8% 13.0% 12.6% 14.8% 2.2% 17.6%
FP Unlikely,  osteo pub younger,  out of state 666 30.4% 29.9% 29.0% 33.8% 4.8% 16.4%
FP Unlikely,  NorthAM younger,  out of state 1697 15.5% 15.0% 14.5% 15.7% 1.2% 8.3%
FP Likely,  osteo pub younger,  out of state 143 33.3% 34.7% 30.5% 31.9% 1.5% 4.8%
FP Likely,  osteo priv younger,  out of state 545 38.9% 40.5% 39.7% 41.5% 1.7% 4.4%
FP Unlikely,  osteo priv younger,  out of state 2054 29.5% 30.8% 30.3% 31.4% 1.1% 3.7%
FP Unlikely,  Distant older,  out of state 384 14.2% 12.7% 13.4% 13.9% 0.5% 3.5%
FP Likely,  osteo priv younger,  both 2438 23.7% 24.1% 23.9% 24.8% 0.9% 3.7%
FP Likely,  osteo priv younger,  instate 320 38.1% 39.7% 37.7% 38.2% 0.5% 1.2%
FP Likely,  osteo priv older,  instate 160 43.1% 42.5% 42.7% 42.3% -0.3% -0.8%
FP Unlikely,  NorthAM older,  out of state 1043 26.1% 25.7% 26.5% 26.2% -0.3% -1.2%
FP Likely,  NorthAM older,  out of state 193 39.1% 38.1% 36.5% 35.7% -0.7% -2.1%
FP Likely,  osteo pub younger,  instate 263 37.4% 39.4% 40.8% 38.6% -2.2% -5.4%
FP Unlikely,  osteo pub older,  instate 138 41.7% 45.8% 46.7% 42.6% -4.0% -8.7%
FP Unlikely,  osteo priv younger,  instate 561 30.1% 33.7% 32.2% 29.3% -2.8% -8.9%
FP Unlikely,  osteo priv older,  out of state 1639 37.7% 41.8% 41.1% 37.0% -4.1% -10.0%
FP Likely,  osteo pub older,  out of state 229 47.2% 51.4% 52.3% 47.0% -5.3% -10.1%
FP Unlikely,  osteo pub older,  out of state 573 36.9% 40.9% 39.7% 34.5% -5.1% -12.9%
FP Likely,  osteo priv older,  both 802 44.7% 48.9% 49.2% 44.0% -5.2% -10.6%
FP Unlikely,  osteo pub younger,  instate 203 30.3% 32.1% 33.8% 29.0% -4.9% -14.3%
FP Likely,  Distant younger,  out of state 24 11.8% 11.8% 10.9% 9.3% -1.6% -14.6%
FP Likely,  osteo pub older,  instate 197 45.7% 46.6% 45.9% 39.0% -6.9% -15.1%
FP Likely,  osteo priv older,  out of state 504 43.7% 48.0% 48.5% 39.8% -8.7% -17.9%
FP Unlikely,  osteo priv older,  instate 268 35.4% 39.9% 40.5% 32.2% -8.3% -20.6%

Physician Workforce Studies

Socioeconomics and Physician Distribution

Managed Care and Choice of FP

Broad Distributions of Parent Income

Changes in Specialty Choice 1987 - 1999

Parent Income and Ethnicity and FP Choice

Higher Income Distribution