MCAT and Family Medicine

Robert C. Bowman, M.D.


Scatterplot of the most recent match at MCAT and FP 2005

Choice of Family Medicine Regression is updated and simplified version

MCAT Correlations

Comparing Physician Distribution and the MCAT

Driving Difficulty or Distinction

Updated and longer version at Choice of Family Medicine: Past, Present, Future


Impact of admissions, medical school, family medicine departments, rural populations, geography, health policy, state education efforts, and the family medicine match.




The theory behind the design of the regression is that efforts involving the state and medical school impact the FP match. These include science education in the state and also education for those most likely to choose FP, including rural students and low income students. Admissions characteristics of MCAT, GPA, and admissions instate can be critical. The environment can be shaped by leadership and programs in family medicine departments. Having an additional focus on rural family medicine may help maintain several of the above areas from admissions to environment. This also reflects an investment on the part of the school.





It makes more sense to work on admissions and before rather on FP Departments and after. Admissions of more with rural background and from lower income families is likely to do more to restore the Future of Family Medicine than other current or past recommendations. It is the opinion of this author that coalitions with health advisors, higher education, rural education groups, and state legislatures make more sense that restructuring family medicine. I have long enjoyed emailing with Health Professions list serve folks. I plan to do more with this at the annual meeting of the National Association of Advisors of Health Professions this June 28 in Baltimore. The past contacts with the Rural School and Community Trust also may be helpful. If you have suggestions please contact me.


Robert C. Bowman, M.D., Rural Medical Educators Group of the National Rural Health Association

UNMC Department of Family Medicine Director of Rural Health Education and Research

983075 Nebraska Medical Center

Omaha, NE   68198-3075

(402) 559-8873 or fax at -8118

Email:   [email protected]


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