Medical School Type and Physician Distribution

Robert C. Bowman, M.D.

Bold print indicates contributions beyond the fair share of the school's graduates.

For types of medical schools categorized by MCAT, allopathic, osteopathic, and class compositions see Medical Schools and Distribution

Choice By Medical School Type for 1987 - 1998 graduates All Allopathic Osteopathic International
Career or Location   Private  Public Private Public North American Distant Caribbean
All Physicians n=271813 100% 25.5% 43.5% 5.4% 2.1% 3.4% 18.5% 1.5%
Office Family Practice 11% 8% 14% 27% 25% 10% 4% 15%
Family Practice General Practice 14% 9% 16% 35% 36% 17% 8% 19%
Office Primary Care 30% 26% 32% 43% 40% 24% 24% 43%
Office General Internal Medicine 11% 11% 10% 10% 8% 8% 15% 22%
Off IM / Total IM Res Grads* 41% 43% 47% 55% 54% 32% 31% 51%
Internal Medicine Residency 28% 26% 22% 18% 16% 26% 49% 43%
Rural Location 11% 8% 13% 18% 23% 8% 9% 12%
Underserved Location 7% 5% 7% 9% 13% 10% 8% 9%
Major Medical Center 69% 75% 68% 53% 50% 57% 74% 61%

*Office General Internal Medicine divided by total IM Residency Graduates from a school or school type. May be as low as 19% for allopathic schools currently as indicated by 2005 interns. (Garibaldi) Office Based Proportions in IM, FP, Pediatrics

Percentage of Total Provided by Source School Type for 1987 - 1998 graduates Allopathic Osteopathic International
Private Public All Private Public All North American Distant Caribbean All
Office Family Practice 17% 54% 72% 13% 5% 17% 3% 6% 2% 11%
Family Practice Gen Practice 16% 49% 65% 13% 5% 19% 4% 10% 2% 16%
Office Primary Care 22% 47% 69% 8% 3% 11% 3% 15% 2% 20%
Office Gen Internal Medicine 25% 39% 64% 5% 2% 6% 2% 25% 3% 30%
Internal Medicine Residency 23% 34% 57% 4% 1% 5% 3% 32% 2% 38%
Rural Location 17% 51% 68% 8% 4% 13% 2% 15% 2% 19%
Underserved Location 18% 45% 63% 6% 4% 10% 4% 21% 2% 27%
Major Medical Center 28% 43% 70% 4% 2% 6% 3% 20% 1% 24%
  25.5% 43.5% 69% 5.4% 2.1% 7.5% 3.4% 18.5% 1.5% 23.4%

The largest single source of total physicians, rural physicians, primary care physicians, and family physicians was allopathic public schools. Allopathic private schools provide lower shares of all distributional types of physicians and concentrate in major medical center locations. The top MCAT allopathic private schools have 83% major medical center location. Few escape for rural, urban, urban underserved, or rural underserved locations outside of major medical centers.

  Total Office Family Practice Family Practice General Practice Office General Primary Care Office General Internal Medicine Off IM / Total IM Res Grads Internal Medicine Residency All Rural Physicians Underserved Major Medical Center
Allopathic Private Lowest FP 16394 2% 3% 20% 10% 35% 29% 5% 3% 83%
Allopathic Private Middle FP 35946 7% 8% 26% 12% 46% 25% 7% 5% 75%
Allopathic Private Highest FP 13092 14% 16% 31% 10% 47% 22% 13% 6% 68%
Uniformed Services 1875 7% 20% 11% 2% 16% 9% 9% 6% 56%
Historically Black 2231 16% 19% 38% 13% 54% 23% 10% 12% 63%
Puerto Rican Schools 3126 7% 12% 22% 8% 29% 27% 4% 16% 67%
Allopathic Public Least FP 32466 9% 10% 28% 11% 45% 24% 9% 6% 73%
Allopathic Public Middle FP 60589 14% 16% 33% 11% 48% 22% 14% 8% 67%
Allopathic Public Highest FP 21988 22% 24% 39% 10% 51% 19% 19% 8% 62%
Osteopathic Private Least FP 7023 23% 31% 40% 10% 51% 20% 13% 7% 57%
Osteopathic Private Most FP 7574 30% 39% 47% 10% 60% 17% 23% 10% 49%
Osteopathic Public Lowest FP 3147 23% 32% 39% 9% 54% 17% 19% 7% 55%
Osteopathic Public Highest FP 2634 27% 41% 41% 7% 53% 14% 28% 19% 45%
Canadian School 4615 10% 16% 17% 4% 22% 17% 9% 4% 49%
Other North American School 4590 10% 18% 30% 13% 36% 35% 7% 15% 66%
Caribbean with US 4159 15% 19% 43% 22% 51% 43% 12% 9% 61%
Distant International Other 27655 3% 7% 20% 12% 27% 45% 7% 7% 78%
Philippines School 3615 8% 13% 41% 20% 45% 43% 18% 16% 57%
India School 14109 3% 8% 29% 20% 36% 56% 10% 8% 72%
Pakistan School 4985 3% 7% 25% 18% 31% 56% 15% 12% 67%
  271813 11% 14% 30% 11% 41% 28% 11% 7% 69%


Different medical school types make different contributions. Distant International and Allopathic Private schools make the least contributions in health care access careers. see Medical School Types Ranked By Family Medicine Choice Quartiles



Comparing Medical Students By Class Year

Choice of Family Medicine: Past, Present, Future

Physician Workforce Studies

MCAT Correlations - the distribution areas noted above share strong relationships to the MCAT and to the types of students admitted