The following schools graduated the most medical students who became military FP docs. Note that not all military grads can be easily identified. Military sources are the largest single tuition source for osteopathic schools. Osteopathic grads are also the most likely to choose rural practice. Studies have pointed out that scholarship programs are less efficient than loan repayment, but when you are a second career medical student with debt and loads more debt coming and a desire to go to a rural area but a real need to have finances set, any scholarship program looks pretty good. We might increase the number of rural docs by 50 a year by leveling the playing field and would still get fine military docs, although a few less from certain sources.
Military FP docs 1997 - 2003 residency graduates
Uniformed Services |
272 |
Philadelphia Osteo |
33 |
Univ of Osteo Med Des Moines |
26 |
Kirksville |
22 |
Western U Coll Osteo |
20 |
Med Coll VA |
16 |
Midwestern Osteo |
14 |
UHS Osteo |
14 |
Tulane |
14 |
U N Tx St Osteo |
14 |
Other private allopathic schools were contributors.
Over the last 10 years there has been a steady increase in FP recruitment by the military. In some zip code locations the new recruits are over 50 % of the total physicians at the zip code.
Leveling Military and Rural Support Programs