Goal of 50% family medicine graduation rates and as well as higher percentages of rural family physicians
Duluth 20 Questions - Some questions that might give more info about the true preferences of students
Rural Health Opportunities Program in Nebraska, don't wait on admissions, admit rural high school students to medical school who truly do want to return to rural Nebraska to practice. Watch two small colleges, the breeding grounds of young professionals most needed in rural areas, prosper in many unexpected and wonderful ways.
Rockford Rural Health Needs Challenge Doctors
A study of the best models for training and retaining physicians for underserved areas from MGT to FSU http://med.fsu.edu/pdf/02_train_retain_phys.pdf also saved in private file
Mercer - reaching out to rural regions, networks http://www.mercer.edu/publications/Medicine/fall99/pg6.html
Rural Physician Associate Program http://www.rpap.umn.edu/
Syracuse RMED http://www.upstate.edu/fmed/rmed/
Kentucky's PEPP Professional Education and Placement Program - getting kids from underserved areas into a position to make it into health professional training
West Virginia Rural Health Education Partnerships
WWAMI overview http://www.washington.edu/medical/som/wwami/
Upper Peninsula Rural Physician Program
Accelerated Family Medicine Training Programs
Bibliography of Strategies at http://www.futurehealth.ucsf.edu/pdf_files/biblio.pdf
Rural Curricula, Strategies, Guidelines
Chadron Health Career Fair / Rural Health Opportunities Program
The Rural Alabama Health Alliance
Florida State University Students Get Started
Alberta Rural Physician Action Plan
Wyoming County Health Careers Initiative
Rockford Rural Health Needs Challenge Doctors
North Carolina AHEC a first generation AHEC and one of the leading examples in the nation.
BA/MD Homepage for Indiana Indiana State and IU med school working together
Ideal Approach for a Rural Medical School
PSAP in Pennsylvania 1% of med students turns into 21% of rural family physicians, not bad at all, best research on the area by Rabinowitz
West Virginia Rural Health Education Partnerships http://www.wvrhep.org/
http://www.chm.msu.edu/chmhome/admissions/1a6medsc.htm medical scholars program, see goals and selections, what numbers and how long and successes?
Focus on outcomes regarding getting doctors where they are really needed. North Carolina Southern Regional AHEC http://www.southernregionalahec.org/annual.htm
Des Moines University - Osteopathic Medical Center has a Primary Care Initiative to assist graduates with placements in rural communities. They have also launched Project FaME, or Family Medical Education, see http://www.uomhs.edu/coms/fame.htm
Ontario plan More detail on Ontario Plan
Rural Medical Education for faculty and rural physicians