Update 1980 - 2000
Update for 2000 at FPgrd80t00
The total FP graduates rises over the years (purple line). The
percentage of rural graduates declines over the years (compare top and
bottom line).
After initial increases, the number of rural graduates remains much the same at about 600 (dark line), although the smallest towns have less graduates (other AAFP data). The declining purple bars represent fewer FP docs going to the smallest towns, stabilizing at about 100 per year. The rising yellow bars indicated rapid increases in the number of FP residents choosing urban underserved locations. Family medicine has provided thousands of physicians to underserved rural communities over the years. In recent years the numbers choosing rural practice have remained at about 600 per year, despite increases in residencies and resident positions. Family practice is now in danger of becoming much like the other medical specialties: as the supply increases, there is increasing maldistribution of the specialty. The only exception to this rule is urban poverty practice where family practice graduates have posted major increases. If family medicine fails to address this location issue, it will soon face more than threats to Title VII funding. Without special efforts to increase the numbers of family medicine residents choosing rural locations, much of the political power of the specialty will be lost. This could have impacts on graduate medical education funds at the federal and state levels. From Bowman table for AFP article Continuing Family Medicine's Unique Contribution to Rural Health Care [see comments] (Bowman RC; Am Fam Physician, 1996 Aug) |
Contribution of Family Medicine to Underserved Practices - updated table with year 2000 values
Varieties of Graduate Programs By Program Type
Table giving info on numbers of different types of rural graduate training
Family practice residencies and the graduation of rural family physicians. Bowman RC, Penrod J.
For a step by step approach to obtain more rural physicians, try this page.