Rural Medical Education Conference Summary

60 people attended the 2 day session in Dallas. NRHA did a wonderful job of sponsorship and organization. We now have elected leaders and a direction.  Thanks to Jim Norton, Don Pathman, Deb Phillips, Mike French, Hilda Heady, Wail Malaty, and other who presented. 

Elections - Co-Chairs      Robert C. Bowman, M.D. and Deb Phillips, M.D.

Work Groups on Federal Advocacy, State Advocacy, Research, Membership, Admissions

Plans for HCFA meeting to explore funding concerns and solutions. To involve both HCFA and fiscal intermediaries. To improve delays in inconsistencies.

Work groups to improve admissions, student interest, and make sure students know about the major differences between rural training methods and typical programs.

Efforts to increase the membership in all areas, especially practitioners.

Upcoming liaisons with AAFP Rural Committee, Student Resident Meeting, etc.

Research Agenda to improve targeting for admissions, help understand how retention is different than recruitment and what improves retention.

Next year meeting at NRHA at Kansas City May 15 - 18. Rural Medical Educators will meet starting May 15 in the AM and continue with sessions during the conference. This year's NRHA had good RME sessions throughout the conference already, will be continued...

In construction.........

Schedule for the Conference  

Special Opportunity: Group leaders and those interested in networking will be meeting May 21 in the afternoon, notify [email protected] if you can attend. All are welcome for this early event. Be sure to email me so that we know how many to expect and I can email you with final details

Concurrent Session Design and Work Groups - see how the pieces fit together, comments needed

Important Advances in Rural Medical Education  items to consider before the conference

A History of Rural Medical Education  editorial expansion on who and what got us to this point

Building Rural Medical Education Capacity - adapted from AFMO Research document

Papers and Policies To Review For Conference 

Questions in Rural Medical Education - Conference Prep

On May 22, 2001 representatives from many walks of primary care will come together to set out an agenda for rural medical education. The theme of the conference is Growing Our Own Future. Sponsors include the National Rural Health Association, Campus-Community Partnerships for Health, the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, and various FP Departments. Participants include members of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, the National Rural Health Association, the AAFP Rural Committee, Osteopathic Family Physicians, and Family Practice Program Directors. Other participants include rural preceptors, AHECS, predoctoral faculty, rural training programs, and rural coordinators.

Participants will work together to develop a blueprint to impact rural medical education at all levels to train more and better rural physicians for rural communities. This is critical because rural demands continue and fewer graduates are choosing underserved practices. Funding for family medicine depends on success in these areas. We need your help. There will also be opportunities to network, present program ideas, and demonstrate models and concepts at poster sessions. At the end of the planning, work groups will meet.

Conference planning continues under the guidance of the Rural Medical Educators Special Interest Group of the National Rural Health Association. The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy has also assisted with funds to facilitate this effort. This new group of Rural Medical Educators continues to add members and activities.

The Rural Medical Educators group began as a result of the Rural GME conference in February of 2000 in San Antonio. Over 110 attended rural medical education sessions and presentations by rural health experts. The most recent Journal of Rural Health chronicled the efforts of this conference. Credit goes to Tom Rosenthal and the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. The RME group has an active list serve. The group explored several options and selected the National Rural Health Association (NRHA) to help put together the upcoming agenda-setting conference and develop the Rural Medical Educators Group.

Recently the NRHA facilitated a successful effort to set the Agenda for rural health research. The results and example of this effort have already set the tone for medical educators. The RME meeting will be a pre-conference activity of the National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, so many rural experts will be in attendance.

For information about this conference, or if you would like to participate, present, or serve on a committee, please contact Robert Bowman at [email protected]. In the next weeks you can contact the NRHA web site at for information.



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