Recovering Americans to Funding Support So That They Can Access Basic Health Access Primary Care
Robert C. Bowman, M.D. [email protected]
This web site will not belabor the need to return lower and middle income Americans to the financial access to basic health care that they must have. But there are requirements for the funding design that must be met. These include enough funding, a design for health care that implements basic health access at the local level that is designed for the needs of local populations, a design that avoids loss leader primary care with the real purpose to funnel patients into systems dominated by hospital and specialty influences without the proper primary care, secondary care, tertiary care balance.
Same State Birth To Practice Tables - which programs retain graduates instate
Current Active Health Care Policy Decisions
Cost, Quality, Access, and Physician Workforce Expansion
Medical School Expansion 2004 - 2017
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Producing Doctors for Seniors: Brave Legislators Needed to Support Health Care That Will Meet the Needs of Senior Citizens The studies are conclusive. The United States fails to produce doctors that will locate practices in locations where older Americans are found. About 70% of seniors are found in zip codes with only 20 - 25% of physicians. While health care legislation is often controversial. Without a change, seniors will not have the types of health care most needed.
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Foundation of Basic Health Access Primary Care
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