The following article attempts to examine a number of important issues in
states with significant numbers of underserved individuals. There are some major
debates going on in this nation at all levels of education.
Public vs Private Schooling,
Balancing State Educational expenditures such as K-12 vs college vs medical
Which programs and schools to support - schools that graduate the physicians and
professionals that we need vs schools that do their own thing
The article is a bit confusing but worth reading for those attempting to make
sense of what has transpired to create the current system.
Questions that I have after reading it
Why don't we tie outcomes such as graduation of professionals to underserved
areas to funding more directly?
Why do we continue to support state schools that often do not meet the needs of
the state?
Why do we allow significant disparities between teacher salaries in various
locations (in our state the rich school districts pay $17,000 more for a masters
degree teacher with the same level of experience than the poorest)?
What can we do to reverse the downward spiral of those in poverty with declining
education, declining numbers doing well in school, declining numbers
(particularly males) going to college and professional school, declining
professionals returning to rural and inner city areas, declining services in
such areas, and declining population?
Why do we insulate public programs such as schools from those we elect to manage
our resources? We have a host of third parties insulating those who are elected
and those who are receiving services. In education we often turn to private
schools. In health care we turn to insurance companies. Third parties introduce
their own needs and agendas. These all seem to be a cop out. If we cannot manage
programs, then there is more at stake than costs. Our very foundation of
democratic government is at risk.
Interestingly I am wondering whether we should be studying more about what
Mercer and Morehouse are doing. They are newcomers without the entrenched
leadership in the state compared to Emory and MCG and somehow seem to be
competinge for state funds effectively despite being private schools and in
troubled economic times. Anyone with some observations and information in this
Full article at Private college funding spared alternative link provided if URL changes
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 6/15/2003
Georgia legislators slashed funding for public colleges this year, but they
preserved nearly $100 million in the state budget to support private college
students and their schools.
They kept most of the $30 million in grants and other payments to private medical schools and passed legislation ensuring that private college students in Georgia can get tuition grants for summer school.
Change and Transformation of Society