Rural Residency Training Programs

There are several types of rural training programs available to students:

The following are good choices for those interested in preparing for rural practice. See below for other good choices such as programs that graduate 50% or more into rural practice.

Updated listing of programs with rural emphasis or location at

A listing of programs with rural orientation is noted at this AAFP web site

Rural Training in Family Medicine highlights the value of rural training at the graduate level

Rural Training Tracks are 1-2 programs with one year urban and 2 years in a rural location. The programs usually have 1 or 2 residents in each year of training. RTT programs graduate 75% into rural practice  

Rural Location for Training   These programs have training in all three years in a rural location . They have at least 4 residents per year of training. Rural locations graduate a 40 - 80 % into rural practice, depending on the program.

Rural Focus of Training   These programs have a rural focus of training and use specific educational techniques to accomplish this goal. These may include rural experiences, procedural training, rural practice management, and other areas. These programs are unique and candidates are encouraged to verify the type of rural training. 

            See these listings for Programs in Rural Locations or Rural Focus of Training

Data is less well known about programs with a rural focus, check this site for recent rural graduation numbers, if known. Rural graduation rates are a good way to compare programs.

For a list of programs with a good track record, see Programs that graduate over 50% into rural practice as of 1996. Note that newer programs are not included and the numbers may have changed, although these programs are likely to still be graduating residents into rural practice in significant numbers.

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