Advice About Getting Into Medical School
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Advice for Future Rural Physicians
Rural Hospitals can play a role by employing students to work 50% and shadow 50% as Alliance Nebraska has done.
Taking short cuts doesn't seem wise, no matter how attractive it may appear.
Nibbling at
the bait often proves lethal to mice, roaches and other unwary creatures, even
some premedical students. Dan Marien
Top Sites for Data
Review at Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Lives of American Children detailed studies of 42 families linked to education and child development literature. After age 8, interventions are far more costly and less effective.
PreKindergarten 2005 data on dwindling American efforts
The United States spends 0.5% of GDP on age 0 – 6 child development compared to Denmark at 2% GDP (Starting Strong II, OECD). Not starting well means more costs and inefficiency in many ways
The Funding Gap 2004 Carey - state and local financing of education
Jay Greene, High School Graduation Rates in the United States - not a pretty picture
Carnevale and Rose in Kahlenberg, Left Behind, New Century Foundation, page 9 74% of top income quartile students attend top 146 colleges compared to 3% for lowest income quartile
Changes in Admissions in Allopathic Medical Schools
Admissions Ratios, Changing Admissions, and Physician Distribution