PreProfessional Advice

The following are posted with permission. These are from various list serves and personal reflections. They are arranged alphabetically.HLTHPROF or Health Professional List Serve

Improving MCAT Verbal Ability by Thea Volpe

Work and Activities Section of AMCAS

Admissions: To Do No Harm

Divisions in Physician Career and Location Choice Related to Age at Graduation

Birth Origins Articles

Older Medical Student Career Choices

Admissions Package - advice for those who choose

Pfizer Site with links and advice

The beginning point for Robert C. Bowman and HLTHPROF Humanities and Medicine

Where is MCAT prep: the answer is everywhere

MCAT Correlations

MCAT and Family Medicine

Admissions and Social Status

Choice of Medical School - Iserson's Guidebook about Getting into Med School

Acceptance Rates to Med School

Advice About Getting Into Medical School

Americorps & Applying Med School

At Risk Students:pick early,keep in pipeline to return

Best Vs Brightest


Best/Brightest vs Best Fit For the State

Caribbean Schools and Those Near US

Chadron State College Health Career Fair

Character Not Color


Character, Technology and Family Medicine: Cyberculture

College More Dangerous Than Vietnam

Community Colleges by Joshua Wyner

Complimentary: International,Rural,Volunteer

Debt and Medical Missionaries

Differences in Medical Schools

Discrimination and Admission

Discrimination and Vice Versa

Evaluating Medical Students for Admission

Failing and Learning, and Moving On RCB

Foreign College Students


Health Advisors

Health Career Orientation of Oregon High School Students

HLTHPROF or Health Professional List Serve

High Educ Debt, choice of underserved - Pathman 

Humanities and Medicine



Improving MCAT Verbal Ability

International Experiences


Liability Vs Serving

Local Rural School, Importance of


Leaders born or not

Learning Beyond Measure

Learning from Appalachia - by RCB, not posted

MCAT Changes and Evals

MD vs MD PhD


Measures and Expectations

Minority Health Provider Need in Rural Areas


Minority Vs Rural Early Admits - comparisons



Non-traditional Students

Obstacles to Shadowing

Peace Corps Applicants

Perennials vs Annuals

Physical Deformities


Physician Assistant Then Physician

Polished vs Unpolished Applicants

Post Baccalaureate Programs

Preparation and Sophistication


Primary care

Religion and Selection

Role Model Natives Others


Rural Medical Education 5

Rural Psychology


Shadowing Obstacles

Six Year Medical Programs

Small Colleges and Advisors

States Without Medical Schools

Summer Student Opps

Trends in College Courses, Sciences


Verbal vs Humanities vs Science

 Where is MCAT prep: the answer is everywhere

Which Medical School for Student Interested in Rural Practice

Message from Dan:

Although I was born and lived in New York City almost all my life, and I am not that far away in retirement, I am appreciative of what you are doing and proposing. However I am saddened by the likelihood of your message falling on deaf ears, shut eyes and closed minds. Did I tell you I was born a pessimist and expect to die one?

Maybe it is different outside of the big metropolitan areas, but what I see is an increasing number of immigrants to the US whose children see medicine as prestigious and look forward to the income they will earn. Sadly, this is also true of too many native born Americans. They speak of medicine as a "calling" and speak and write only of "saving lives." Most of them are fixated only on grades and MCAT scores, and can they get into a "prestigious" medical school.

I long ago learned that high grades and high MCAT scores do not necessarily a good physician make. When I wrote the letters of evaluation, the warmest and strongest were for what I called "good people", regardless of academics.

I wish you success in your endeavor. It is badly needed.

Dan Marien

Measures and Expectations

JUMPSTART info on health careers thru UNMC Allied Health

Family Medicine Teaching, more essays

Admissions Package

Best Works on Site

Physician Workforce Studies

Education - the entire pipeline