Ranking Medical Schools and FP Residency Programs

Robert C. Bowman, M.D. About the Site and Author

The work that I did was not solicited by any group or school or individual, just me. The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy has provided some support that I may actually finish some paperwork to receive some day and earlier access to the AMA Masterfile was purchased by our department and later provided in a more complete fashion by the Robert Graham Center.

The following links involve various rankings of medical schools and family medicine programs that are dedicated to distributing physicians in the United States. These are ranked according to percentage, according to total numbers, also by top 10, and by top 50

Sources AMA Masterfile, Robert Graham Center AAFP Data on 1997 - 2003 ACGME graduates or all medical schools for medical school data.

Distribution of Physicians   includes info on rural choices, family medicine, MCAT scores, office poverty, by school, age of the class, and other factors important in distribution

Physician Workforce Studies - new studies weekly, top workforce site

Head to Head: Physician Assistants in 2000 Compared to Family Physicians in State and National Location

Top Workforce Outcomes Rankings - Which types of family physicians distribute to Optimal Outcomes? How do they compare to those not in family medicine?

Medical School Expansion 2004 - 2017  table of the medical schools and expected changes over time

Rural Physicians in the US by Medical School Worldwide by alpha and country

Rural Physicians in the US by Medical School of Origin by highest percentage of all in rural practice

Rural Physician Numbers in the US Ranked by total rural physicians graduated

Most Rural FP Grads

Rural Choices by Medical School Origin

Top Family Medicine Residency Programs Ranked by Rural Percentage of Graduates 1997 - 2003

FP Residency Rural FP Graduates Total Numbers ranking

Frontier or Isolated Rural FP Graduates by total number ranking

Distribution of Physicians: Medical Schools with Distribution, MCAT scores, Instate Retention, and More

Distribution Theory

For those interested in distributing physicians, Medicine, Education, and Social Status

There are STFM Groups on Rural Health and Admissions. I moderate the list serves for both. The rural health list serve also serves the National Rural Health Association Group on Rural Health. List serve participation is free by emailing [email protected]   I encourage membership in both of these organizations who have supported rural medical education efforts above and beyond their ability.

Rural Coding

Physician Workforce Studies



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