Admissions Committee Efforts

Admission Timeline for Rural, Minority

Admissions Package - documentation of the literature regarding admissions of the students who will become rural physicians

Student Backgrounds:
     Rural Background/Family Medicine interest    
Parent Background:
     Lower Socioeconomic   Minorities, Admissions, Underserved               Affirmative Action Impacts

Student Characteristics:  

     Service Characteristices/Rural Practice Choice - several links

     Service Orientation and admissions and PC choice - Madison and comments

     Characteristics of Rural Interested Students - AAMC data Why do we tend to avoid the right students when the side effects are so beneficial at medical schools, in local volunteer work, and in international work?

    Admit Older Students, Vote for Maturity

    Admissions and Involvement

How to discern Escapers Vs Stayers

Advice About Getting Into Medical School - several areas important to students

Best and Brightest vs Best Fit For the State

Challenges for Admissions Committees and Recommendations

          Best and Brightest vs Best Fit For the State     

Medical Schools Ranked By Rural Graduation Rate Rosenblatt study

Character, Color, Admissions, and Physicians Perennials vs Annuals
Changes in Admissions Admissions Barriers
State By State Education Status Predoc or Admissions Efforts?
Centralization and Regionalization PreProfessional Advice and Information
Personal Growth and Medical Education Med Student Trends
Best Models Admissions  
Jordan Cohen on Admissions Encounter

Introduction and Endorsement of PRIME Program to enhance rural admissions

Admissions Is the Foundation of Rural Medical Education

Regarding Admissions to Increase the Numbers Choosing Rural Practice and Primary Care in Kentucky, Abstract and comment

Who Should Admissions Committees Select to Get More Rural Docs?

Other evidence that the higher the MCAT and GPA, the less likely a choice of rural practice (Harris, Utah).       Also see Intellect and Malpractice

Breeding Young Professionals and Healthier Rural Communities - review from statewide and economics point of view

Challenges for Admissions Committees and Recommendations

Character, Color, Admissions, and Physicians

Characteristics of Rural Interested Senior Medical Students - study of graduating senior med students in 1995, specifically the 400 of 16000 interested in towns of less than 10k

Coordination Factors we have known that we need for the pieces to be put together in a continuous array or a pipeline to rural practice. Rural Coordinators are needed to put the pieces together in the best way possible.

Medical School Change Needed - review of recent GQ data from medical schools

Medical School Trends Summary - one week in the life of academic medicine, did not look favorable for those hoping for more access

Rural Background - key factor in choosing those who will become rural docs

Racial Disparities - info for New Pathways students

Selection vs Socialization in Medical Schools - medical school has a powerful effect

Service - links to several pages on this topic

Why Doctor's Don't Go Where They Are Needed - from Dr. Cohen regarding maldistribution with excuses and my comments

Why Doctors Do Go To Small Towns in reply

What is the Importance of a Rural Physician?  Economics and otherwise

Dr. Sarno, Dean at Tufts and long time admissions head

Susan La Flesche Picotte - an amazing woman, first native female physician, other heroes at

Heroes in Medicine