World of Rural Medical Education

   Physician Distribution in the United States   Executive summary with linking documentation, this one is perhaps the best guide to the works on this site and many other works, perhaps one of the best rationale efforts for family medicine, education efforts, medical education efforts, and physician distribution efforts

indexRME page

The right students, the right facilitators, the right leaders, the right objectives, the right actions....

Physician Workforce Studies      Rural Medical Education index page

Ranking Medical Schools and FP Residency Programs - includes links to Medical School Expansion Table and Distribution Ranking Tables

Best Works on Site   Birth Origins Articles    Rural List Serve


Rural Student Interest Groups

Rural Workforce and Health Policy in the United States

Comments Regarding the Future of Academic Medicine


Physicians in the US - Several links and presentations important for Rural and FP and Health



Research on Rural Medical Education - rural background plus FP Interest plus rural training = cure for maldistribution

Decreasing Rural FP Physicians - changes by town size, over the past 100 years, ethnicity, gender, and more

New Research on the Family Medicine Match Rate - Medical Schools and the Family Medicine Match

For Students Interested in Becoming a Rural Physician

Facilitating More and Better Rural Docs - For Physicians and Faculty

Searching This Site           Searching RME Best Works on Site

Heroes in Medicine

Rural Student Interest Groups!!

Update of Family Medicine and Additional Studies at  Family Medicine 2004 Who, What, When, Where, Why

Admissions of students born in rural areas has declined by 47%, admissions of instate students down 17%, increase in MCAT score up dramatically in past 10 years, all these are contributing to fewer admitted into US medical schools who will choose family medicine. The slight increase in older medical students, who choose FP at twice the rate is a bright spot. Ask yourself a question, why do twice as many older medical students choose family medicine, especially when they have debt, families, and fewer years to work as a physician. It's not the money, its about who they are as people.

Rural Medical Educators Group Site: Docs, Faculty, Coordinators, Students, Residents

Recent Rural List Serve Postings

Join the Rural Med Ed List Serve!

The National Rural Health Association has been of great assistance to the Rural Medical Educators. We encourage you to join NRHA! The RME Group will be meeting February 22, 2004 in Washington DC just before the Rural Health Policy Meeting. Click this to enter the NRHA Site for RME meeting info and membership!
Underserved - Overview and Models Community Driven Approach
Economics, Medical Education, and Rural Health- 101 billion reasons Rural Curricula, Strategies
Email comments to author: [email protected] UNMC Rural Web Sites



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